lunedì 12 settembre 2022
venerdì 22 aprile 2022
martedì 5 aprile 2022
HOMMAGE — Rodolfo SACCO (1923-2022)
Les membres de l'Académie ont été profondément touchés par la nouvelle du décès du professeur Rodolfo Sacco. La famille des comparatistes perd l'un de ses membres les plus éminents ; le Secrétariat s'est longuement interrogé sur la meilleure manière d'honorer la pensée de Rodolfo Sacco. Il est évident que plusieurs manifestations seront organisées dans les prochains mois pour lui rendre un dernier hommage. Le professeur Sacco avait d'ores et déjà reçu les honneurs de l'Académie à l'occasion d'une cérémonie organisée en 2017 en l'honneur des grands comparatistes et dont les contributions ont fait l'objet d'une publication dans la série Ius Comparatum.
Vous pouvez visionner le discours de remerciement du professeur Sacco sur la chaîne YouTube de l'Académie. Le Secrétariat partage également la contribution du Professeur Sacco sur le passé, le présent et le futur du droit comparé. Il ne fait aucun doute qu'il continuera à jouer un rôle immense pour les générations futures de notre discipline grâce à ses contributions inestimables à la recherche en droit comparé.
The members of the Academy were deeply touched by the news of the passing of Professor Rodolfo Sacco. The family of comparatists loses one of its most eminent members; the Secretariat pondered at length on the best way to honor the memory of Rodolfo Sacco. It is obvious that several events will be organized in the coming months to pay him a last tribute. Professor Sacco had already received the honors of the Academy during a ceremony organized in 2017 in honor of the great comparatists and whose contributions were the subject of a publication in the Ius Comparatum series.
You can watch Professor Sacco's acceptance speech on the Academy's YouTube channel. The Secretariat also shares Professor Sacco's contribution on the past, present and future of comparative law. There is no doubt that he will continue to play an immense role for the future generations of our discipline through his invaluable contributions to Comparative Law scholarship.
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo
Secrétaire général - Secretary General
In ricordo di Rodolfo Sacco – da parte di P.G. Monateri
Rodolfo Sacco (21 novembre 1923 - 21 marzo 2022) è stato il padre della comparazione giuridica italiana. Fondatore dell’Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato, voce insostituibile e indimenticabile del Diritto Civile, resterà nel cuore di tutti non solo per la sua impareggiabile scienza, e il suo straordinario genio, ma anche per la sua immensa umanità.
La sua personalità travolgente ha segnato per la nostra intera generazione la luce di una stella polare. Non solo i suoi scritti, impareggiabili, ma la sua conversazione, i suoi interventi, la sua stessa presenza, la sua convivialità, la sua ironia e la sua ricerca della natura umana nel diritto, rimarranno per sempre con coloro che lo hanno conosciuto.
Resistente per l’Italia e la Libertà, si laureò con Norberto Bobbio e Mario Allara sull’interpretazione del diritto, con una tesi (del 1947) che rimane a tutt’oggi una pietra miliare negli studi giuridici, e non solo. Ha insegnato in Francia, in Svizzera, in Somalia. Padroneggiava il francese, il tedesco, l’inglese, il russo. Come amava lui stesso dire, scherzando su di sé, “un giurista planetario”.
Dal profilo aquilino e dallo sguardo profondo, vestito sempre di scuro, si stagliava come figura inconfondibile in qualunque convegno.
Rodolfo è stato presidente dell’AIDC, della Capitant, membro dell’Accademia dei Lincei e dell’Accademia di Francia. Laureato honoris causa alla Sorbona, celebrato e amato in tutto mondo. Da quando lo conobbi nel lontano 1978, fino a quando lo vidi l’ultima volta, pochi giorni or sono, la sua figura rimane per me insostituibile. Guida, amatissimo maestro, amico.
Una volta mi chiese cosa sarebbe restato di lui. Quando gli risposi “il diritto comparato” il suo sorriso si illuminò di felicità e il suo sguardo contemplava l’eterno. Così lo vogliamo ricordare, immenso come fu nella vita e come lo sarà per sempre nel commosso ricordo.
Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Presidente onorario AIDC
martedì 25 gennaio 2022
Prof. Monateri at "The Transformative Law of Political Economy in Europe: Mobilizing Legal Institutional Imagination" – Conference
The Transformative Law of Political Economy in Europe: Mobilizing Legal Institutional Imagination
SGEL conference
Different strands of recent legal scholarship in Europe and beyond take law as constitutive for economic modes of production and reject the idea of ‘the market’ following a predetermined trajectory to which law is (mostly) external. Such works come with diverse theoretical and political affinities and engage with a wide range of fields of application. They share however the premise that legal provisions, entitlements and institutions matter in bringing about and stabilizing socio- economic transformation. Relatedly, it becomes apparent that law itself is not a stable category, but highly dynamic and contextual in its form and place in society.
The conference proposes to zoom in on those legal institutions which are the central building- blocks of markets and to retrace how these institutions have evolved through different modes of economic organization and settings of political economy. Institutions like ‘contract’, ‘property’ and ‘corporation’ all carry changing imprints of political economy. They are not monolithic but exist in plural forms and designs. Think only of contract: Regarded as the ‘legal side of the market economy’ by Max Weber, contract has proven highly adaptive to new economic models, from global supply chains to the sharing economy. At the same time, contract provides the legal infrastructure to many non-economic forms of social interaction and has adjusted to such contexts. The corporation and its legal personhood have a similarly long trajectory of adaption. The history of the corporation ranges from an early imperialist treatment that holds the corporation close to state power and expansion to its treatment as simply another integral part of the market, most prominently evidenced in the nexus of contract understanding. And still today, the corporation, its purpose and its links to the socio-economic context remain a shifting ground with ideas of sustainability and human rights becoming integrated and with a debate on corporate responsibility for global supply chains somewhat dissolving the idea of clear-cut boundaries between the company and the contracts it maintains.
domenica 23 gennaio 2022
Drawing on historical, normative, theoretical, and economic methodologies, Pier Giuseppe Monateri offers a fresh critical analysis of various dimensions of comparative law methods. Comprehensive and engaging with a multidisciplinary approach, this Advanced Introduction spans the fields of comparative legal studies, law and finance and global law.