mercoledì 26 ottobre 2016

Conference: Enrico Letta at Conseil d’État — 9 november 2016

Cycle 2015-2016 : Droit comparé 
et territorialité du droit
11è Conférence

La souveraineté en questions
Mercredi 9 novembre 2016, (17h30* – 19h30)
Conseil d’État, salle d’Assemblée générale*, Place du Palais-Royal, Paris 1er.

Cycle organisé par la section du contentieux et la section du rapport et des études
du Conseil d’État, en association avec la Société de législation comparée
et l’Institut français des sciences administratives

Raphaël Hadas-Lebel, président de section (h) au Conseil d'État, animera cette conférence.
Interviendront sur le sujet :
Denys de Béchillonprofesseur de droit public à l’université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour
Enrico Lettadoyen de l’école des affaires internationales de Sciences Po, ancien président du Conseil des ministres italien
Michael Tugendhatancien juge à la Haute Cour d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles
 Retrouvez ces informations dans le document ci-joint
Pour vous inscrire (dans la limite des places disponibles), merci d’envoyer vos nom, fonctions et coordonnées par courriel à l’adresse :
* Accueil prévu à 17h – La conférence sera retransmise sur écran dans une salle attenante à celle d’Assemblée générale.
Si vous souhaitez ne plus recevoir d'informations sur les colloques du Conseil d'État, merci de nous le signaler à l'adresse ci-dessus.

14th ASLI Conference 2017 - Call for Paper is now Open!


We are pleased to announce that the Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and University of Philippines, College of Law (UP) will hold the 14th ASLI Conference in Manila, Philippines on 18 and 19 May 2017. We look forward to welcoming you, and value your contribution to the ongoing success of this annual conference.

The 14th ASLI Conference 2016
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to post this Call for Papers for the 14th ASLI (Asian Law Institute) Conference, hosted by the College of Law of the University of the Philippines and to be held at Novotel Manila, Araneta Center, Quezon City, Philippines from 18 to 19 May 2017.
The 14th ASLI Conference will bring together academics and professionals from Asia and the world, to exchange knowledge related to the theme “A Uniting Force? – ‘Asian Values’ and the Law.”
The passing of Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew, not so long ago, has inevitably rekindled in many minds his enduring contribution to political thought: the concept of “Asian values.” According to him, Asian nations have a distinct social and political ethics that places greater value on the collective and on social order, compared to other value systems that prioritize individual liberties. While easily brushed away by critics as a mere attempt to justify authoritarianism, Lee Kuan Yew’s idea has sparked considerable attention, especially among those who see it as a possible point of unification for Asian countries. Singapore’s success as a viable State presents a strong case for its neighbors. Are there Asian values and are they a uniting force?
This conference will be held for the first time in the Philippines and will be hosted by the University of the Philippines College of Law. I encourage academics and professionals to contribute to the discussion by looking at the law — where the presence of such an ethical system might be confirmed. As an exercise in comparative law, the Conference will look at the legal and institutional arrangements or systems of key Asian countries to see if patterns of similarity exist. More importantly, if similarity does exist, we will inquire into whether such institutions are indeed manifestations of a distinct cultural tendency, independent of the personal motives of the leaders who may have fostered them. We hope the answers may yield valuable contributions to public policy and legal theory.
Thank you and we hope to receive the abstracts of your proposed paper by 1 December 2016
Please visit our conference web site at  for selection criteria, guidelines for abstract or paper submissions and other related conference information.
Yours sincerely,
Danilo L. Concepcion
University of Philippines
College of Law
Associate Professor Gary F Bell
Asian Law Institute
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Submissions of individual papers & panels
Click here for online submission of individual abstracts.
Click here for online submission of panels.
Downloadable copies of the forms are also available on the conference website.
The website, which will be updated periodically with the latest information on tentative panel sessions and programme schedule, also contains information on recommended conference hotels. 
We regret that no subsidies are available for expenditures such as air flights, hotel charges and conference fees. A detailed and finalized programme (speaker panels, etc.) will be made available to all registered participants nearer the date of the conference.
We would very much appreciate your help in bringing this conference to the attention of your faculty/law school colleagues, as well as to anyone whom you think might be interested in attending, whether as a paper presenter or otherwise.
For enquiries regarding the conference, please contact the ASLI Secretariat at 
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Manila in May 2017.
Yours sincerely
Danilo L. Concepcion
University of Philippines
College of Law
Associate Professor Gary F Bell
Asian Law Institute
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Important Deadlines

Submission of Abstract
1 December 2016
Participants will be notified in late February on the status of their submission.
Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Payment
10 March 2017
Submission of Completed Paper
27 March 2017
Closing date for Registration and Payment
10 April 2017
19 & 20 May 2017, Thursday & Friday

giovedì 20 ottobre 2016

P. LEGRAND – "(Foreign) Law as Self-Fashioning" ::: SciencesPo, November 18th, 2016, 16.30–19.00

!!! Giornata di Studi in Onore di GEOFFREY SAMUEL — (P.G. MONATERI, P. LEGRAND, F. OST, H. MUIR-WATT) !!!

Giornata di Studi in Onore di
Geoffrey Samuel

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Reid Hall
Salle des Conférences
4 rue de Chevreuse
75006 Paris


Welcome Address
Simone Glanert, University of Kent

(Ré)-apprendre à penser le droit à partir du cas
François Ost, Université Saint-Louis

 (Foreign) Law As Self-Fashioning
Pierre Legrand, Sorbonne


Dominus Mundi: The Political Sublime and the Western Legal Tradition
Pier G. Monateri, Università di Torino

Theorising Legal Reasoning in Comparative History: The Place of Imagination
Maksymillian Del Mar, Queen Mary


Consequences in French and English Judicial Reasoning
John Bell, University of Cambridge

The Swiss Federal Court and Its Pragmatic Pluralist Methodology
Franz Werro, Université de Fribourg & Georgetown University Law Center

Interpretation in Multilingual States: Utopia or Columbus Egg?
Pascal Pichonnaz, Université de Fribourg


Patterns of Migration (from Civilian to Common Law) at the Limits of Property
Anne Bottomley, University of Kent

On Legal Forms of Intolerance (and How They Travel)
Horatia Muir Watt, Science Po Paris

Concluding Response
Geoffrey Samuel, University of Kent


New website - Forms of Life and Legal Integration in Europe (FOLIE)

We are pleased to announce that the Chair of Excellence Forms of Life and Legal Integration in Europe (FOLIE), directed by Loïc Azoulai, has now a website: You will find on it information about the research project, its team members and its activities. 
FOLIE aims at providing a richer understanding and a deeper critique of the European Union's project, by exploring the ways in which forms of social life are fashioned by European law. Its main objective is to tackle the role of EU law in the construction of complex sets of social relations pertaining to the family, the market, the nation and other areas of social life.
More information about the group's upcoming activities will be available soon on the website.

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016

Obituary: Professor Roger Blanpain died on 11 October 2016

Professor Roger Blanpain died on 11 October 2016

Professor Blanpain suffered from health problems since quite a while and he ultimately had to give up the struggle. He died in the hospital in Leuven on 11 October 2016. He would have become 84 years old within a couple of weeks.

Roger Blanpain (born in Belgium, Geeraardsbergen, 5 November 1932) studied law at the University of Leuven, Belgium. In Leuven, he obtained his doctoraal degree in law  in 1956. In 1957 he obtained a Master of Arts degree at Columbia University, New York.

In 1961, Blanpain became assistant and later professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Leuven where he held the chair in labour law until 1998. His academic work covered Belgian, European, international and comparative labour law.

Besides his teaching, Roger Blanpain took up various functions. He was dean of the law faculty, member of the Board of Directors of the University of Leuven, member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, and president of the Leuven law alumni-society. He was a Belgian senator between 1987 and 1989.
Roger Blanpain was one of the founding fathers and later president of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law and the International Industrial Relations Association (now ILERA). He was visiting professor at various prestigious universities around the world. 


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