venerdì 22 gennaio 2016

Juris Diversitas Conference: CALL FOR PAPERS PROLONGED

2016 Annual Conference

Unity and/or Diversity

May 30 to June 1, 2016
Louisiana State University Law Center, USA

Theme: Comparative legal studies have long been perceived as an
 engine pulling legal traditions and systems towards 
convergence, harmonization, and unification. Today, legal pluralism 
pushes towards the recognition of human and social diversity. 
Does this mean that we have to choose between unity and 
diversity, Jus unum or juris diversitas?  To what extent do pluralistic 
societies embrace or reject harmonization and uniformity, 
or simply ignore them? Do we unify or add layers, increasing the 
complexity of legal orders? Does history reflect a move from 
diversity to unity or an ongoing conflict between the two? What 
makes unity successful or sustainable? This is an invitation to 
discuss, in an interdisciplinary way, the development of laws and 
social norms, in the dialectical tension between the ontological 
unity of human beings and mankind and the plurality of individual 
aspirations and social arrangements.

Submissions: Panel proposals are strongly
encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and
scholars from outside the discipline of law. While parallel sessions
of three twenty-minute presentations will be used, we 
encourage more original session structures.

Proposals should be in English or in French. Proposals of 
circa 250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals) should 
be submitted to Professor Salvatore Mancuso at by January 31, 2016 
with a short biography listing major or relevant publications. 
Make this a single Word document with minimal formatting, 
so that proposal and biography can be copied easily into 
the conference program.

Registration fees: €200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up 
for 2016. Membership and fee payment information is available on 
the Juris Diversitas Blog ( 
Note that fees don’t cover travel, accommodation, or the 
conference dinner (€50).

New Publication: "Global Governance and Democracy A Multidisciplinary Analysis" - EElgar 2015

Global Governance and Democracy

A Multidisciplinary Analysis 
Edited by Jan Wouters, Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam EU and Global Governance, Director, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and Institute for International Law, Antoon Braeckman, Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Matthias Lievens, Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy and Emilie Bécault, Research Manager, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium

Globalization needs effective global governance. The important question of whether this governance can also become democratic is, however, the subject of a political and academic debate that began only recently. This multidisciplinary book aims to move this conversation forward by drawing on insights from international relations, political theory, international law and international political economy. Focusing on global environmental, economic, security and human rights governance, it sheds new light on the democratic deficit of existing global governance structures, and proposes a number of tools to overcome it.

This book will be required reading for researchers, academics and students with an interest in political science and law, and indeed anyone concerned with the future of global governance.

Link here:

[Forthcoming]: Comparative Law and Economics - EElgar - 2016

Comparative Law and Economics

Edited by the late Theodore Eisenberg, formerly Cornell University, US and Giovanni B. Ramello, Università del Piemonte Orientale and International Programme IEL – Institutions, Economics and Law, Italy

Contemporary law and economics has greatly expanded its scope of inquiry as well as its sphere of influence. By focussing specifically on a comparative approach, this Handbook offers new insights for developing current law and economics research. It also provides stimuli for further research, exploring the idea that the comparative method offers a valuable way to enrich law and economics scholarship.

With contributions from leading scholars from around the world, the Handbook sets the context by examining the past, present and future of comparative law and economics before addressing this approach to specific issues within the fields of intellectual property, competition, contracts, torts, judicial behaviour, tax, property law, energy markets, regulation and environmental agreements.

This topical Handbook will be of great interest and value to scholars and postgraduate students of law and economics, looking for new directions in their research. It will also be a useful reference to policy-makers and those working at an institutional level.

Visit page:

Critical Legal Conference 2016, Kent Law School 1–3 September 2016

Kent Law School
1st – 3rd September

Turning Points

The Call for Stream Proposals is OPEN NOW – please send proposals of no more than 500 words along with short bios of the stream organisers to The Call for Stream Proposals closes 7 March 2016.
“…there are no witnesses to changes of epoch. The epochal turning is an imperceptible frontier, bound to no crucial date or event.”
The present is notoriously difficult to diagnose. Are we living at a decisive turning point for global and European history, politics and law? Are we witnesses to a new epoch? Or perhaps we just have a bad case of “presentism”? The Critical Legal Conference 2016 will open a forum for critical reflection on precarious political situations, particularly that of Europe in a global context – an apposite theme for a critical conference at the University of Kent, ‘the UK’s European University’ and a point of origin for the CLC.

Taking a global and historicised view of contemporary Europe and its intellectual and political traditions (as well as an interrogative stance on their centrality), we anticipate that this year’s CLC will enable a creative response to some of the many problems of our collective present. The difficulty in thinking the present lies partly in its immediacy, and partly in the way in which spaces for that thinking are themselves precarious, colonised, dis-placed, degraded, recast or simply made untenable. From individuals’ housing, employment and migration experiences to the broader question about the intensification or disintegration of the European political project, are life’s very objects and experiences now peculiarly shaped by precarity?
Law forms part of the architecture of precarity, shaping both its production and governance, whether through specific rules and regulations relating to welfare provision, housing law or the structuring and regulation of financial markets; or through changing images and enactments of justice, (fragmented) genealogies, and shifting understandings of modernity. One approach within the critical legal tradition has been to expose these architectures: to show how it produces inequity, to demonstrate its contingencies, to trace its genealogies, to question law’s production of a normative order of life. In this sense it might be said that the role of critique is to render law itself precarious. What is the contemporary nature, role and position of academic work generally, in relation to political life and cultural and intellectual history? Are we post-human? Post-Europe? Post-law? Post-critique? And what about the core critical legal concerns: law, justice and ethics?

True to the tradition of the CLC, we hope participants will approach these general provocations through a rich plurality of critical and radical thematics and interdisciplinary approaches.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
The Call for Stream Proposals is OPEN NOW – please send proposals of no more than 500 words along with short bios of the stream organisers to The Call for Stream Proposals closes 7 March 2016. The Call for Papers and Panels will be opened in March when streams are announced – and as ever there will be a general stream. Conference registation will open via this webpage shortly
We also invite participants to curate screenings, performances, happenings and other creative formats at the conference. Please contact us at with your plans – we will do our best to facilitate them (within the bounds of possibility).

Connal Parsley, Nick Piška and the KLS CLC Committee


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