venerdì 30 aprile 2010

Red Gaius ! After Black Gaius

Rafal Manko (Author)

just published

Red Gaius - the Culture of Private Law in Poland Between Socialism and Europeanisation

find it on clicking HERE

For a Link toward the worldwide scholarship generated by Black Gaius click HERE

La responsabilità sulla rete a Roma 3

Download the whole program from HERE

The German Law Journal New Issue

Dear Readers:

We are pleased to announce to you the new issue of the German Law Journal, Review of Developments in German, European & International Jurisprudence, which is now available - at no cost - at

April came and went, a volcano erupted and might continue to do so. 'The Economist' explores 'earthly powers'and we, what do we do? We continue our inquiry into the Lisbon process and the German Federal Constitutional Court's much discussed judgment (see already the contributions to Vol. 10, No. 8 (August, 2009, available at: Furthermore we are honoured to publish Professor Thomas Raiser's Keynote Address on "Sociology of Law in Germany", which he delivered in March at the Bi-Annual Conference of the German Law & Society Association in Bremen. The German version of the Address is simultaneously published in the Journal: Rechtswissenschaft (Nomos Verlag):

The new issue includes as well an assessment of member state procedural liability and two thoughtful book review essays.

Please allow us to draw your attention to a Special Call for Submissions for a Mini-Symposium on Academic Freedom, Critical Book Reviews and the Boundaries between 'Scholarly Critique' and Libel. The submission deadline for very short thought-pieces, in particular with view to the different existing legal regimes in other countries, is 15 May 2010. Please visit our homepage for the complete call for submissions and for more detail.

Posted by Peer Zumbansen

lunedì 19 aprile 2010

Call for papers relativo alla Conferenza Annuale del Diritto dell'energia: Roma 3, 28 e 29 aprile 2010

Università del Salento: La formazione del Giurista in Europa

Association Capitant : 75ème Anniversaire à Paris le 6 mai 2010, Cour de Cassation

Scaricate il programma da qui

"Legal Discourse" and Arbitration, at the University of Bergamo

Martedì 22 giugno 2010 presso l’Università di Bergamo (aula 3 di Piazza Rosate 2, Bergamo), in collaborazione con l’AIDEL (Associazione Italiana di Diritto e Letteratura) si terrà un convegno sul seguente tema:

Legal Discourse in Context:

Insights for Analysis

Il programma del convegno è il seguente:

10.00:       Marina Dossena: Official Welcome

10.10      Maurizio Gotti: Opening remarks

11.00      Christopher N. Candlin: Witness-examination in arbitration: Issues and concerns

11.30      Paola Evangelisti: Key issues in the analysis of sports arbitration discourse

11.50      Alessandra Fazio: Variation in the juridical language of sports arbitration

12.10      Giuliana Ladomery: Legal codes: a diachronic analysis

12.30      Discussion

Lunch break

14.30      Giuliana Garzone: Argumentation in arbitral awards

14.50   Paola Catenaccio: The discourses of arbitration and mediation: a comparative analysis

15.10      Chiara Degano: Indicators of legal argumentation in a diachronic perspective

15.30       Ulisse Belotti: Critical claims in Italian arbitration narratives

15.50      Discussion

16.10       Coffee break

16.30      Larissa D'Angelo: Cybermediation: current problems and future perspectives.

16.50:       Stefania Maci: Interdiscursivity in professional genres: voicing litigation within arbitration

17.10:       Michele Sala: Linguistic and textual features of Italian commercial arbitration awards

17.30:       General discussion and round-up

Biobanks in Trento

International conference Comparative Issues in the Governance of Research Biobanks: Property, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and the Role of Technology

The conference is promoted by the LawTech Research Group of the Department of Legal Science of Trento, acting as Local Research Unit of the FIRB National Research Project “Genetic Tests and Biobanks: Bioethical Issues in Law and Society” (2008-2011), a multicentric research project carried on by the Universities of Trento, Bologna, Milano Bicocca, and Pisa and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

Izzo on Copyright

Tecnologia, interessi e cambiamento giuridico

Postfazione di Roberto Caso

Biblioteca di testi e studi
€ 25,50
2010  pp. 296  ISBN 9788843053148

SCHEDA VOLUME (go to the next pages for the English translation of the presentation and the table of contents, as well as for a downloadable excerpt)

Il volume esplora le dinamiche storiche, economiche e giuridiche che favorirono la formazione dei due concetti (e dei connessi sistemi di regole) che interpretano l’esigenza di tutelare la creatività in seno alla tradizione giuridica occidentale: il copyright anglosassone e il droit d’auteur francese, quest’ultimo antesignano dei modelli di diritto d’autore poi sviluppati dai sistemi di civil law continentali, fra cui quello italiano.

Università del Salento: New Frontiers on Pharmaceutical Law

Read More and Download the Whole Program from Here


Scuola Superiore S.Anna e Lider-Lab
28-29 aprile 2010

 Aula 3

Download the whole program from here

I Diritti dell'Arte Contemporanea

Galleria d'Arte Moderna GAM Torino 6-7 maggio 2010
corso Galielao Ferraris, 30

l’arte contemporanea contribuisce a rappresentare le identità sociali e culturali del nostro tempo. 
il diritto rappresenta e definisce le regole per la gestione dei rapporti sociali, nei diversi luoghi in cui agiamo. 
l’artista si avvale di mezzi espressivi che producono degli esiti, ora destinati a durare, ora a mutare o concludersi; 
quei mezzi sono, nell’arte contemporanea, i più vari, e coinvolgono l’ambiente, le tecnologie, il corpo stesso 
a tali esiti si interessa il diritto, per definirli, proteggerne lo scambio e l’appropriazione, certificarne il riferimento 
all’autore, in situazioni che superano i confini degli stati. 

15.00 -18.00 I sessione 
Presiede: Gianmaria Ajani 
1. Convergenze: mezzi di espressione: Alberto Garutti. 
2. Convergenze: arte e scienza: Piero Gilardi 
3. Arte e design: Italo Rota  
4. Luoghi: spazi: Francesco De Biase 
5. Luoghi: corpi: Teresa Macrì 
6. Identità dell’opera e diritto:
5. Raccolte private: Gianni Bolongaro 
6. Il consulente legale di collezioni pubbliche e private:  
Andrea Pizzi 

Read More and download the program from here as DAC-poster.pdf


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