lunedì 15 marzo 2010

Erik Jayme, Monateri, Somma and Costantini on the Invention of the Past

Law & Tech at Trento University

University of Trento

Department of Legal Sciences – The LawTech Research Group

Scientific Coordinators:  Roberto Caso and Umberto Izzo

The working languages will be either Italian or English depending on the blue italics title of the seminar. Program in progress.
Tuesday March 9
Time: 15.00 -17.00 
Place: Room 5 
Speaker: Laurent Manderieux (Luigi Bocconi University, Milano) 
Dall'Università al mercato, dal mercato all'Università: l'importanza dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale
 “From Universities to the Marketplace, from the Marketplace to Universities: The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights”
Wednesday March 17  
Time: 11.00 -13.00 
Place: Conference Room  
Speaker: Laurent Manderieux (Luigi Bocconi University, Milano) 
“Trasferimento tecnologico: le nuove Guidelines in materia di proprietà intellettuale” 
 “Technology Transfer: The New Intellectual Property Guidelines”
Monday April 12
Time: 15.00 -17.00 
Place: Room 5 
Speaker: David Nelken (University of Macerata/University of Wales, Cardiff)
Discussants: Giuseppe Bellantuono, Matteo Ferrari, Umberto Izzo, Giovanni Pascuzzi, (Trento University) 
“Contesti socioculturali e cambiamento giuridico nel rapporto fra cibo e diritto alimentare” 
“Sociocultural Contexts and Legal Change in the Food/Food Law Relationship”
Wednesday April 21 
Time: 15.00 -19.30 
Place: Room 7 
Special seminar (various speakers) 
“Plagio e creatività alla luce dell’evoluzione tecnologica: un dialogo tra diritto e arti”
 “Plagiarism, Creativity, and Technological Evolution: Arts and Law in Dialogue” 

Monday April 26

Time: 15.00 -17.00 
Place: Room 5 
Speaker: David Lametti (McGill University) 
“Le virtù della proprietà intellettuale”
 “The Virtues of Intellectual Property”
Wednesday April 28
Time: 15.00 -19.30 
Place: Conference Room 
Special seminar (various speakers) 
“Plagiarism in Science and Technological Evolution”
Wednesday May 5 
Time: 10.30 - 12.00 
Place: Conference Room  7 
Speaker: Richard Gold, McGill University  
"The Imcompleteness of Law: How Social Norms Mediate Legal Rules" 

Time: 17.00 -18.30 
Place: Conference Room
Speaker: Gideon Parchomovsky, University of Pennsylvania/Bar Ilan University
“Private and Open Access Property” 
Monday May 10
Time: 17.00 -18.30 
Place: Conference Room 
Speaker: Gideon Parchomovsky, University of Pennsylvania/Bar Ilan University 
“Torts and Innovation” 
Wednesday May 12
Time: 10.30 - 12.00 
Place: Conference Room   
Speaker: Richard Gold, McGill University  
“The Role of the University and Technology Transfer” 
Monday May 17
Time: 15.00 - 18.00 
Place: Conference Room   
Speakers: Umberto Izzo, Roberto Caso (University of Trento)
“L’interazione fra tecnologia e interessi nell’evoluzione del copyright e del diritto d’autore: passato e presente” 
“The Interplay of Technology and Interests in Shaping Copyright and Diritto d’Autore: Past and Present”  

Carolingian Canon Law

A press release from the University of Kentucky, announcing the receipt by Abigail Firey, of Kentucky's history department, of an ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowship, has drawn my attention to the Carolingian Canon Law Project, which is described on its website thus:
The Carolingian Canon Law project is producing a searchable, electronic rendition of major works of Carolingian canon law, in a presentation that shows their relation to other works of canon law used by Carolingian jurists. This project maps the extent of variation in "standard" legal texts known to Carolingian jurists, and identifies particular points of variation. In addition to clarifying the textual history of medieval canon law, the project will provide historical and bibliographic annotation of several hundred canons used by jurists before, during, and after the Carolingian period.
The same press release notes that another member of Kentucky's department, Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, has won "a Philosophical Society Fellowship to continue her comparative study of early modern courts of the Inquisition in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Mexico." Professor Starr-LeBeau says of her research:
I really became interested in how those convicted in the Inquisition defended themselves and the strategies they used. . . . For my latest project, I'll be comparing court records throughout Spain, Venice, Lisbon and Mexico City.

The Method of the Civilians

Metger on Smith's Historical Jurisprudence

Ernest Metzger, University of Glasgow School of Law, has posted Adam Smith's Historical Jurisprudence and the 'Method of the Civilians,” which was originally given at the “Smith in Glasgow" Conference, University of Glasgow, March 31-April 2, 2009. Here is the abstract:Adam Smith lectured in jurisprudence at the University of Glasgow from 1751 to 1764, and various records of these lectures

Second Biennial Literature and Law Conference at the John Jay College

On-line registration is now open for the Second Biennial Literature and Law Conference at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, to be held on Friday April 16, 2010. The complete schedule and other information is here. Papers include:

Debra Jackson, Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Their Books Will Give Character to Their Laws: Antebellum Literature and Law in the Fight for Civil Equality”

R. B. Bernstein, New York Law School, “Enlightenment And Experiment In American Revolutionary Constitution-Making: The Cases Of John Adams And Thomas Paine”

Raffaele Ruggiero, University of Bari, "Enlightenment theories about the origin of criminal law in Italy"

Candace Barrington, Central Connecticut State University, "Legal Rhetoric in John Gower's Trentham Manuscript"

Daniel O'Gorman, Loyola University of Chicago,
"Memorialization or Ossification? Accumulating Earlier Law Codes in 11th-Century Anglo-Saxon England"

Karl B. Shoemaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Sanctuary Law and a Strong Anglo-Saxon State?"

Sara McDougall, New York University School of Law, "Bigamy Stories from Medieval France"

Jamie L. McDaniel, Case Western Reserve University, “‘Her house was no longer hers entirely:’ Legal Classification and the Law of Intestacy in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando”

Katherine Gilbert, Drury University, “‘There is no private life which has not been determined by a wider public life:’ George Eliot’s Felix Holt (1866)”

Courtney Marshall, University of New Hampshire, “Law, Literature, and the Construction of a Black Female Subject: Zora Neale Hurston as Legal Storyteller”

Sascha Auerbach, University of Northern British Columbia, “‘Playing Hamlet in a Barn:’ Comedy, Tragedy, and Drama in the London Police Courts, 1890–1930”

Juris Diversitas Subscription Box

An interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of
Legal and Normative Mixtures and Movements

Note that Juris Diversitas ( has added an email subscription box to our blog. We’ve also added bloggers and will be announcing an Advisory Board of senior academics over the next few weeks.

Juris Diversitas aims to negotiate the boundaries (i) between hybrid legal and normative traditions and (ii) between comparative law and other disciplines. Both of these aims are pursued in our ‘Mediterranean Legal Hybridity’ symposium to be held in Malta on Saturday, 12 June 2010. The symposium is the first event in a project that, while focused on the region, may produce a model that can be used around the world.

In conjunction with the symposium, there will also be an informal roundtable discussion of any research related to our general themes on Friday, 11 June 2010. For information on the symposium or roundtable, email me ( The deadline for the former is Monday, 29 March 2010.

Please feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, links, and events. And please spread the word about us to interested individuals and institutions.

martedì 9 marzo 2010

Law and ... in Turin

Comincia oggi al Circlolo dei Lettori di Torino,
con il Patrocinio della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, e della Scuola di Dottorato in Diritto di Torino, in collaborazione con AIDEL, Associazione Italiana Diritto e Letteratura,
il ciclo di conferenze
"Legge &...."
Connessioni trasversali tra i linguaggi narrativi e il linguaggio giuridico
Teatro, Letteratura, Cinema, Mass-Media e Musica
a cura di Pier Giuseppe Monateri,

martedì 9 Marzo ore 18.00
PG Monateri e Carlo Galli: Amleto, Eliot, la sovranità e la politica

Martedì 23 Marzo ore 18.00
Daniela Carpi e Lorenzo Fazio: Golding, Parks, la civiltà e l'equità

Martedì 30 Marzo ore 18.00
Cristina Costantini e Simone Regazzoni: Tolkien, Agamben e il paradigma della nuda vita

Martedì 13 Aprile ore 18.00
Chiara Battisti e Gianluca Arrighi : Kaw & Order, Iconolgia della legge e del dis-ordine

Martedì 27 Aprile ore 18.00
Giorgio Resta e Enrico Polimanti : Musica, Diritto e Potere

Gli incontri si svolgono presso:
Il Circolo dei Lettori, Palazzo Graneri della Roccia, Via BOgino 9 - 10123 TORINO

Download the whole program HERE
AIDC WebSite News

giovedì 4 marzo 2010

Media Law at Roma Tre, on 17th March

Inizio h. 9,30 Presiede Cesare Mirabelli, Presidente emerito della Corte Costituzionale

Con Interventi di Di Blase, Zeno-Zencovich, Frignani, Cardarelli, Sammarco e molti altri

Read More ....


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