giovedì 17 dicembre 2009

Comparative Law PhD Program in Macerata

Per informazioni:
Dipartimento di Diritto privato
e del lavoro italiano e comparato
tel. 0733.258 2462

Lo scopo di questi “incontri con un comparatista" è di porre i dottorandi a confronto più che con temi, con persone che hanno condotto ricerche su aspetti, anche profondamente diversi tra loro, ma affrontati nella prospettiva della comparazione giuridica: una sorta di percorso guidato ad una ricerca (con sentenze, materiali ecc.).
I seminari sono destinati ai frequentanti del corso di dottorato, ma sono aperti a chiunque vi abbia interesse, previa iscrizione gratuita.

Il Coordinatore del dottorato
Prof. Ermanno Calzolaio

venerdì 26 febbraio 2010

Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich
Ordinario nell’Università di Roma Tre
I contratti “immorali”

venerdì 12 marzo 2010

Vittoria Barsotti
Ordinario nell’Università di Firenze
Le unioni tra persone dello stesso sesso negli Stati Uniti:
questioni di diritti e di federalismo

giovedì 15 aprile 2010

Michael Joachim Bonell
Ordinario nell’Università La Sapienza
Verso un diritto mondiale dei contratti

Le lezioni si terranno dalle ore 16 alle ore 19
presso il Dipartimento di diritto privato e del lavoro italiano e comparato


28-29 maggio 2010

II° colloquio biennale
dei giovani comparatisti

Università di Catania e di Enna


 Posted by Ermanno Calzolaio
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

martedì 15 dicembre 2009

Guy Horsmans on the Ius Commune Societario

Segreteria organizzativa:
Posted by Federico Pernazza
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

lunedì 14 dicembre 2009

A. Debeljak: “In praise of hybridity: Globalization and the modern western paradigm”

The division of the world into “the West and the rest” is a misrepresentation, writes Ales Debeljak. Cultural globalization is not the transplantation of western ideas and technologies across the planet, but the adaptation of these according to local requirements. Hybridity, the product of a longe durée, is at the heart of the contemporary western paradigm.

Maggiori informazioni…
Posted by Giampaolo Azzoni on Ethica
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

EU Innovating Indicators

With reflection on the EU 2020 in full swing, Ann Mettler weighs into the debate with an analysis about the political economy of indicators, as well as concrete recommendations on targets for the EU’s new economic blueprint. “Innovating Indicators: Choosing the Right Targets for EU 2020” is a unique reflection on how to measure and evaluate societal progress and make the policy process more inclusive and meaningful to a broader number of people.
Download the e-brief from here
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

Certiorari in Italy ?

Oggi la Commissione del CNF sulla riforma del Codice di Procedura Civile dovrà discutere la bozza definitiva del nuovo testo dell'art. 360-bis cpc sul filtro dei ricorsi in Corte di Cassazione.
D fronte a quello che potrebbe essere un caso eclatante di circolazione di modelli vi segnaliamo che si possono leggere le considerazioni del Primo Presidente della Corte Suprema e gli atti relativi al Convegno di studi del 28 ottobre scorso tenutosi in Roma, cliccando direttamente qui.
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

Felix Frankfurter’s correspondence on the Securities Act of 1933

As it happened, I was rummaging around in Felix Frankfurter’s correspondence on the Securities Act of 1933 a few days before the House of Representatives passed its comprehensive bill reforming the nation’s financial sector. I already knew from the thoroughly researched studies of Michael ParrishJoel SeligmanJoseph Lash, and Robert Thompson and Adam Pritchard that Frankfurter believed the corporate bar had advised investment bankers to postpone new issues to build up pressure to amend the statute.
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009

Juries and Narrative

John M. Conley, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, School of Law, and Robin H. Conley, UCLA Department of Anthropology, have published "Stories from the Jury Room: How Jurors Use Narrative to Process Evidence," at 49 Studies in Law, Politics, & Society 25 (2009). Here is the abstract.

This paper analyzes the ways in which jurors use everyday storytelling techniques in their deliberations. It begins by reviewing the literature on how jurors receive and process evidence, emphasizing narrative and storytelling. It then presents some new, qualitative linguistic data drawn from actual jury deliberations, which shed light on jurors' standards of evidence and proof, as well as on the persuasive tactics they use in dealing with each other. Although these data are limited, they provide an interesting basis for assessing existing ideas about jury evidence-processing and thinking more broadly about the strengths and weaknesses of the jury system.

CFP: Law, Society, and Culture in Germany

Call For Papers: Law, Society, and Culture in Germany

German Studies Association
Oakland, California, October 7-10, 2010
Hat tip: H-Law
For the 2010 German Studies Association meeting in Oakland,California, we will be convening a series of panels on matters legal.We envisage a broad set of topics, from the development of specific legal practices and cultures in Germany to the function of law in wider cultural fields; from theories of law and the emergence of the so-called Rechtstaat to the development of business law and legal integration in the nineteenth century. From the philosophy of law to the legal cultures and literatures that extend from medieval to modern periods, these panels are intended to foster an extended conversation on the law across humanities and social science disciplines. We encourage submissions from scholars in all aspects of the law, and are especially interested in both methodological and temporal breadth.
The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2010. For queries and submissions, please contact:
Professor Timothy Guinnane, Economics, Yale University(
Professor Jonathan Sheehan, History, University of California, Berkeley (

The full call for papers is here.

lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

Paul Raffield on Prerogative vs. Common Law Courts

Paul Raffield, University of Warwick School of Law, has published "'Terras Astraea reliquit’: Titus Andronicus and the Loss of Justice," in Shakespeare and the Law (Paul Raffield and Gary Watt eds.; Hart 2008) at 203-220). Here is the abstract.

This paper considers the constitutional and political significance of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, in the context of fin-de-siècle Elizabethan rule, during which period the jurisdiction of the prerogative courts threatened to supersede that of the courts of common law. I examine juristic belief in the existence of an unwritten law, superior in authority to imperial edict: a theme which resonates throughout Titus, but which also underscores The Reports of Sir Edward Coke, which he was compiling in the 1590s. I analyse also the symbolic importance of ancient Rome to the development in England of a body of literature that might loosely be termed republican. The story of the destruction of Troy and its re-emergence in London as Troynovant is a literary device that was employed by Elizabethan writers as a means of establishing the ancient credentials of the English state and English common law.
Download the essay from SSRN at the link.Maggiori informazioni…
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

From Civil to Human Rights un libro di Helle Porsdam

Helle Porsdam,  a member of AIDEL, in comparing Europe and the USA, from the standpoint of Law & Humanities,  focuses on the following:

"Europeans have attempted for some time to develop a human rights talk and now European intellectuals are talking about the need to construct 'European narratives'. This book illustrates that these narratives will emphasize a political and cultural vision for a multi-ethnic and more cosmopolitan Europe. The narratives evolve around human rights, partly in hope that they might function as a cultural glue in an increasingly multi-ethnic Europe, and partly because they are intimately connected with that part of enlightenment thinking that sought to promote democracy and the rule of law. Helle Porsdam discusses the development of human rights as a discourse of atonement for Europeans - a discourse which has the potential to become a shared, transatlantic discourse. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book will be an invaluable research tool for postgraduate students and scholars within the fields of law, history, political science and international relations."
Read More ...
Posted by the AIDEL Law&Beyond Group
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

Garoupa & Ginsburg on a Comparative Perspective on Judicial Reputation

Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg (University of Illinois College of Law and University of Chicago Law School) have posted Judicial Audiences and Reputation: Perspectives from Comparatives Law(Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Forthcoming) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
    Part I lays out why incentives and audiences matter. We explain the idea of judicial audiences and how they shape the judiciary in different legal families. We provide a common framework for understanding what have been traditionally perceived as very different institutions, namely the so-called “career” judiciary and the “recognition” judiciary. This framework provides new insights into the profound changes judiciaries have been going through in many different jurisdictions across the world. Part II considers the particular dynamics of internal and external audiences for judicial performance, using case studies from various judicial systems. In particular, we look at traditional civil law jurisdictions such as France, Italy and Japan where judicial activism has progressively made its way. We also compare the United States and Britain, examining recent British constitutional reforms in detail and speculating about the future consequences of the new institutional design. We argue that our framework provides a useful way of understanding the main forces shaping the recent changes in all these different jurisdictions, thus providing a common ground for analysis.

Matteo Ferrari on Food Safety

Ashgate has recently published the book “Risk Perception, Culture, and Legal Change. A Comparative Study on Food Safety in the Wake of the Mad Cow Crisis”. The study explores the reasons behind the different responses of Europe, Japan and the USA in dealing with BSE, one of the major food safety crises in recent years. Making reference to the most recent advances on risk perception that cognitive and social sciences, such as legal anthropology and sociology of law, have experimented with, the author examines the role that culture plays in addressing the process of legal change. Attention is focused on the regulative frameworks implemented to guarantee the safety of the food chain against the BSE menace and on the liability responses sketched to compensate the victims of mad cow disease, showing how both these elements have been influenced by the cultural context within which they are situated. The author, Matteo Ferrari, is a post-doc fellow in comparative private law at the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Trento.

This book is a path-breaking and highly topical study of the cultural contexts of the regulation of safety’, David Nelken, Cardiff University, UK

Why have different nations reacted so diversely to “mad cow” disease? Ferrari’s answer is in fact a single, elegant solution to a host of long-standing theoretical puzzles in economics, political science, sociology, and law. His account of culture and risk will provoke debate and deepen insight in all these fields’, Dan Kahan, Yale Law School, USA

Full content list, Preface and Index available here:

mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009

Settore: IUS/02 - Diritto privato comparato, concorsi per Ordinario/Associato

Cari Amiche ed Amici
avrete tutti letto sul sito del Cineca dedicato al reclutamento dei professori, la decisione di sospendere la pubblicazione dell'elettorato definitivo nel settore IUS 02 in attesa di una decisione di merito in ordine alla legittimità dell'attuale assetto che vede la necessità di integrare le commissioni per ordinario ed associato con ben 99 colleghi del settore IUS 01.
Come sapete fin dal 2006 l'AIDC - allora presieduta dall'amico Antonio Gambaro - aveva chiesto al Ministero di riconoscere, in relazione alla comune vocazione metodologica e transnazionale, la reciproca affinità fra i raggruppamenti di Diritto privato comparato e di Diritto pubblico comparato. Tale istanza era stata riproposta sia nel 2007 che nel 2008 e la risposta del Ministero era sempre che era in attesa della ridefinizione dei settori disciplinari da parte del CUN.
Quando nel settembre scorso il CUN ha finalmente proceduto al riordino accogliendo in toto la richiesta dell'Associazione,  dando vita al settore disciplinare 12F2 (Diritto comparato), si è imposta, doverosamente, l'impugnazione della nuova procedura elettorale che, disattendendo le chiarissime indicazioni del CUN, integrava  le commissioni di privato comparato non con i colleghi di Diritto pubblico comparato ma con quelli di Diritto privato.
Il TAR del Lazio, in un provvedimento dei primi di novembre, ha immediatamente colto la contraddizione ed ilvulnus per l'area comparatistica ed ha sospeso l'elettorato provvisorio che era stato diffuso sul sito del Cineca.
Adesso cosa succederà? A brevissimo, il 16 dicembre, è fissata l'udienza di merito, e confidiamo che le buone ragioni dell'Associazione vengano confermate con una sentenza che lo stesso Ministero pare auspicare. In tal caso le commissioni verrebbero costituite con semplice estrazione dei titolari dell'elettorato passivo (i professori   ordinari) come avviene per tutti i raggruppamenti autosufficienti. Mi pare inutile sottolineare che in tal modo si guadagnerebbero mesi preziosi: con il meccanismo ideato dal Ministero ci sarebbero volute almeno tre tornate elettorali per completare la lista dei sorteggiabili (45 professori IUS 02 + 99 professori IUS 01).
Ovviamente sarà mia cura informarvi tempestivamente sugli sviluppi. Nel frattempo non posso che ribadire la ferma intenzione di tutto il Direttivo di continuare sulla strada della piena autonomia scientifica ed accademica della comparazione giuridica, come scolpito più di venti anni fa nelle "Tesi di Trento".
Un cordiale saluto

Lisbona Treaty into Force

La Nuova Costituzione Europea
L'entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona non può essere sottostimata per i suoi vasti effetti sull'ordinamento europeo
Qui trovate in pillole tutte le maggiori novità
e qui il testo completo del trattato con vari link di approfondimento, tra cui la voce Wikipedia dedicata al trattato,
mentre qui trovate le prime reazioni americane raccolte dalla Yale Law School.
The Lisbon Treaty was designed to modernise and change the workings of the European Union (EU).  The member states had been negotiating and discussing institutional changes for nearly a decade and will finally bring those negotiations to a close. Read More from HeinOnline ...
Posted by PG Monateri
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News

Alpa on the Common Frame of Reference

Now online the presentation made by Guido Alpa as president of the Italian Bar of the newer Draft of the Common Frame of Reference
You may download it clicking here
AIDC WebSite Comparative Law News


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