mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

Persona e Biodiritto a Firenze, 8 marzo 2011

Introduce Giuseppe Vettori, Presiede Pietro Rescigno
Ne discutono Busnelli, Capellini, Chiavacci, Marzuolo, Schiavone, Zatti
Conclude Stefano Rodotà.

Sicurezza tra locale e globale

Giornata di studio sulla dimensione locale della sicurezza, organizzata dall'Unità di ricerca "RomaTre" diretta da Salvatore Bonfiglio

 Click to Enlarge

The New Muslim World Journal of Human Rights

Berkeley Electronic Press is pleased to announce the following articles recently published in Muslim World Journal of Human Rights.

Call for Papers

Muslim World Journal of Human Rights welcomes your manuscript submissions on various aspects of the question of human rights as it relates to the Muslim World. Edited by a board of leading Islamic studies, Middle Eastern studies and human rights scholars from around the world, MWJHR serves as a forum in which barriers are bridged (or at least, addressed), and human rights are finally discussed with an eye on the Muslim world, in an open and creative manner. For instructions on submitting your next paper, please visit the journalhome page and click on the link "Submit Manuscript."

About this journal

Muslim World Journal of Human Rights is the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the pressing question of human rights in the Muslim world. The journal approaches this complex issue through multiple interdisciplinary lenses: Islam and Islamic law, socio-economic and political factors, institutions, and gender and minority rights. The editors, Mashood Baderin (School of Oriental and African Studies), Mahmood Monshipouri (San Francisco State University), Shadi Mokhtari (American University), and Lynn Welchman (School of Oriental and African Studies) have created a unique academic forum to address real-world political issues and to encourage new methods in the field. Recent articles concern such topics as Women's Sexual Health and Rights in Senegal, Islam and Gender Justice, Human Rights Post-9/11, the Extension of Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria, and Human Rights in Islamic Malaysia.
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights is indexed in Current Abstracts, Index Islamicus, IBSS, International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center, Intute, PAIS International, Scopus, and TOC Premier.

La Revue de Droit Henri Capitant

Revue de Droit Henri Capitant

lunedì 7 febbraio 2011

The German Law Journal on Critical Legal Thinking

Dear Readers:

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of the German Law Journal, Review of Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence is now available at We do apologize for this delayed message. While the Journal has been on the website for a week already, we had problems with the distribution listserver.

It is with considerable excitement, that we announce this new issue to you. Logging in at just under 600 pages, it brings to you - for the first time online - the conference proceedings of the famous comparative legal theory conference, held in Bremen (Germany) in 1986, between scholars from the Law Schools at Bremen and the University of Wisconsin. The proceedings were subsequently published in a much revered "blue" volume, by Nomos Publishing House in Baden-Baden, Germany. The conference brought together leading figures in critical legal thought from both the United States and Germany for a series of discussions on the evolution of legal thought in both countries from the 19th century onwards into the present, reflecting on the roles of courts, parliaments, law schools, the profession and students in the shaping of legal culture. The conference occurred at a crucial time in the development of legal thought - and practice. The post-World War II social consensus and the welfare state had come under considerable pressure, 'law and economics' had begun its journey to become the most influential 'law & society' movement, deep-reaching political transformations were under way, in the United Kingdom, the US and in Germany conservative administrations had taken the reign, and meanwhile the globalization of markets had begun to unfold at breathtaking speed. Yet, the Berlin Wall was still standing - just about.

The present republication of the Conference proceedings is introduced by a new introduction, which offers reflections - and invites feedback - on the past, the future and the 'present' of the 1986 project as seen from today's perspective. In this new introduction, the two original conference conveners, David Trubek and Christian Joerges, are joined by Peer Zumbansen. The permission to prepare the original, not updated materials for online publication with the German Law Journal was generously granted by Nomos. The editorial responsibility for getting the issue into shape lay in the able hands of the GLJ Student Editorial Board at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto and to all of these hardworking students go our sincerest thanks. We are also grateful to our authors, who stood by to answer all arising questions in the process of preparing this Symposium Issue.

We trust you will find this grand issue a good excuse to delve back into some of these truly intriguing essays, their legal imaginations, socio-political concerns and comparative insights. The full table of contents of the issue can be found here:

As always: Happy Reading!

Russell Miller & Peer Zumbansen
Editors in Chief
The  Editors
German Law Journal (

XXV. World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 15-20 AUGUST 2001

After a first experience in Beijing (IVR XXIV – September 15-20, 2009 Beijing, China), and the successful second edition in Rotterdam (JURIX-09 – Rotterdam – November 16-18, The Netherlands) we are now announcing the third edition of AICOL (AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems) as a thematic workshop of the IVR XXV Frankfurt am Main, 15-20 August 2011.
The previous two editions, as the forthcoming ones, are conceived as a meeting point for diverse researchers (legal theorists, political scientists, linguists, logicians, and computational and cognitive scientists) eager to discuss and share their findings and proposals. In this sense, complexity and complex systems sum up the perspective chosen to describe recent developments in AI and law, legal theory, argumentation, the semantic web, and multi-agent systems.
This work has produced significant outcomes collected in the following publication, edited by Springer – LNAI:
The inspiring idea of AICOL is to further develop models of legal knowledge, concerning its organization, structure and content, in order to promote mutual understanding and communication between different legal systems and cultures. By achieving more precise models of legal concepts – from multilingual dictionaries to taxonomies and legal ontologies, namely formal models of legal conceptualization – we enhance our comprehension of legal cultures, of their commonalities and differences. Moreover, in this way we profit increasingly from computer support in managing legal knowledge, drawing on convergences and bridging differences for deeper understanding.

giovedì 3 febbraio 2011

The Venezia 2011 Conference : Hotels and Accomodations

XXI Colloquio biennale dell’Associazione italiana di diritto comparato
Venezia, 9-11 giugno 2011
Università di Venezia – Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche


come da accordi intercosi con l’Associazione Veneziasì, una lista di alberghi convenzionati è stata pubblicata al link

scadenza opzione: 25/02/11

Per informazioni e prenotazioni scrivere a o 
chiamare il n. +39 041 5222264.

Contato di riferimento:
Romena Brugnerotto
Sales & Marketing Manager
*VeneziaSì S.r.**l. Hotel Reservations *
/Associazione Veneziana Albergatori
Venetian Hotelier Association// /
Tel:   +39 041 5222264 
Fax: +39  041 5221242

Cell: +39 331 6660923

Potete prenotarvi direttamente cliccando sul link: si raccomanda la massima celerità, per via della consueta attrattiva che Venezia rappresenta per tutto il mondo

Nei prossimi giorni verrà completata dai referees la selezione dei numerosi papers che ci sono pervenuti, con comunicazione diretta ai relatori, e predisposizione del programma definitivo

Programma provvisorio

9 GIUGNO 2011

POMERIGGIO h. 15,00 – 19,00


Zeno Zencovich
Gabriele Guggiola

10 GIUGNO 2011

MATTINA   h. 9,30 – 13,00

Parallel Sessions:


Presiede: Pascuzzi
Interventi di:
Stanzione                                          Nuova sistematica e insegnamento del diritto comparato

Pascuzzi                                             Why comparative law deserves to be taught? And how?

Pardolesi e Granieri                                  The future of comparative law and  the future of law professors

Guarneri                                            Le nuove frontiere dell’insegnamento del diritto comparato

Moccia                                                           La formazione del giurista europeo

Jean Ho                                              Revisiting comparative law in legal education

Tomasi                                              Il dato scientifico: un punto di partenza univoco per l'attività di comparazione


Presiede: Ferrari
Interventi di:
Cardinale                                Il judicial review of legislation in Norvegia, Danimarca e Svezia – osservazioni comparative

Spigno                                                Il giudice e l’argomento culturale: riflessioni di diritto comparato

Peri                                        Un punto di incontro tra Giustizia e Politica. Modelli di selezione dei giudici costituzionali in Francia, Italia, Germania e Stati Uniti. Un’analisi comparata

Dzehtsiarou                          Comparative Endeavours of the Strasbourg Court

Memo                         Discipline the interdisciplinary: Reflections over the comparative method in human rights research

Duranti                      Costituzionalismo e circolazione dei modelli costituzionali negli ordinamenti di matrice anglosassone

Busatta                      La tematica dell'aborto come metodo di comparazione nel diritto costituzionale

POMERIGGIO    h. 15,00 – 18,00

Parallel Sessions


Presiede: Corapi
Interventi di:
Marini                                               Critica e ricostruzione nella teoria del diritto comparato. (ovvero “talvolta ritornano”, ma mai nello stesso modo!)

Monateri                                           Traduttologia ed ontologia della Legge

Zeno Zencovich                                The dark side of the law: superstition and/as law

Bellantuono                                     Comparative diagnostics

Belavusau                                        Reception of American Poststructuralist Methodologies in Europe: Towards Pluralistic  Comparative Law Epistemology

Costantini                                         Comparazione giuridica e geopolitica critica.
Per una contro-narrativa sulle tradizioni


Presiede: Tommaso Edoardo Frosini
Interventi di:
Garbarino                                         Legal transplants and circulation of corporate tax models: an evolutionary paradigm for comparative law

Mostacci                                           L’intervento pubblico nell’economia a tre anni dalla crisi: innovazioni istituzionali e sostanziali

Somma                                               Economia sociale di mercato e pluralismo

Osti                             Abuso di posizione dominante, abuso di dipendenza economica, abuso del                                   diritto

Poldnikov                  Innovative Economy as New Challenge for Comparative Law in Russia.


Presiede: Sica
Interventi di:
Algostino                               Democrazia in tensione tra governance e movimenti

Castellucci                            The governance role of law in the socialist market economy: the case of insurance law

Spagnuolo                            Egemonia culturale e imperialismo giuridico nella global governance

Vespaziani                           On Nomography: Form and Substance in Bentham’s theory of legislation

Ferrarese                              Governance e nuove vie giuridiche


11 GIUGNO 2011

MATTINA  h 9,30 – 13,00

Parallel Sessions


Presiede: Miranda
Interventi di:
Calzolaio                              La riforma della prescrizione in Francia nella prospettiva del diritto privato europeo

Lambo                                                Circolazione dei modelli: l’esempio degli obblighi di protezione

Izzo                                         L’importanza delle genealogie nel diritto comparato:
tecnologia e interessi nell’evoluzione storica del diritto d’autore

Tassone                                 Nesso di causa, perdita di chances e modelli decisori:
l’apporto delll’analisi economica e comparata

Faella                                    Le clausole di prezzo di rivendita imposto nel diritto antitrust cinese

Valente                                  Rimedi europei per nuovi modelli familiari

Perkovich                               Legal Formants in the International Law of Expropriation

Carbone, P.                            New Trends in Comparing Latin American Systems


Presiede: Salvo Andò
Interventi di:
Dani                                                  Social Conflicts, Integration and the Nature of European Legal Pluralism

Pin                                                     La gestione del pluralismo religioso in alcuni paesi europei: l’evoluzione dei modelli nazionali e il ruolo della comparazione

Vernon Palmer                                                         Empire as Engine of the Mixed Legal Systems

Gazzetta                                            Il concetto di sovranità, tra unità e multiculturalità

Lemmens                                          Comparative Law in Support of Legal Diversity? Some Lessons from the ECtHR’s Case-Law

Kelemen                                           The classification of Eastern European legal systems: new approaches to the understanding of former Socialist legal systems

A presto,
Prenotatevi fin da ora !


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