Debra Jackson, Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Their Books Will Give Character to Their Laws: Antebellum Literature and Law in the Fight for Civil Equality”
R. B. Bernstein, New York Law School, “Enlightenment And Experiment In American Revolutionary Constitution-Making: The Cases Of John Adams And Thomas Paine”
Raffaele Ruggiero, University of Bari, "Enlightenment theories about the origin of criminal law in Italy"
Candace Barrington, Central Connecticut State University, "Legal Rhetoric in John Gower's Trentham Manuscript"
Daniel O'Gorman, Loyola University of Chicago,
"Memorialization or Ossification? Accumulating Earlier Law Codes in 11th-Century Anglo-Saxon England"
Karl B. Shoemaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Sanctuary Law and a Strong Anglo-Saxon State?"
Sara McDougall, New York University School of Law, "Bigamy Stories from Medieval France"
Jamie L. McDaniel, Case Western Reserve University, “‘Her house was no longer hers entirely:’ Legal Classification and the Law of Intestacy in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando”
Katherine Gilbert, Drury University, “‘There is no private life which has not been determined by a wider public life:’ George Eliot’s Felix Holt (1866)”
Courtney Marshall, University of New Hampshire, “Law, Literature, and the Construction of a Black Female Subject: Zora Neale Hurston as Legal Storyteller”
Sascha Auerbach, University of Northern British Columbia, “‘Playing Hamlet in a Barn:’ Comedy, Tragedy, and Drama in the London Police Courts, 1890–1930”